Hi, my name is Michal, I am the mother of two, and I live in Costa Rica. I moved here 20 years ago from Israel to find some peace of mind and to live closer to nature. I'm an acupuncturist and a massage therapist by profession but have had to reinvent myself during these Covid times.

On my morning hikes, through the mesmerizing trails along the Central Pacific region of Costa Rica, I come across so many amazing creatures who 'wear' mind blowing costumes with such gorgeous colors. There's the iridescent blue Morpho butterflies, the yellow beaked toucans, the red Scarlet Macaws, and the green spotted tree frogs, just to name a few. These colorful creatures got me thinking, especially through these challenging times of social distancing and face coverings that what we need more of in our lives is color and the happiness that color brings.
So, I started to explore all the colors that exist and came across some really nice ones with unique names to match. Colors like Skobeloff, Vermilion and Gamboge, Phlox, Viridian and Feldgrau. From there I started creating simple and cute designs that would look great on everyone, from teens to seniors, and little ones to those that love their tattoos. There is something in here for everyone.

Are you ready to join me on this colorful journey?

The items that I'm selling on my online store are created especially for you and your loved ones. I am proud to not have an inventory that might go to waste (each piece is made when ordered) and stress our poor planet even further. The products are made in the United States so if something goes wrong you can always ship it back and it will be replaced.

If you don't find something that you like, please feel free to contact me and I will be more than happy to create it for you.

Even though I have just started this business, I have selected well vetted manufacturing companies for their incredible quality printed products. I look forward to your reviews.